The Fear of Stopping
Book Clips from It's Time to Stop Nail Biting...4 Steps to Success
An Innovative Program for Adults & Children by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht & Joseph Bohorquez, M.D., Originators of Interactive Awareness & Interactive Self-Hypnosis
Like it or not, the way you care for your hands, fingernails and other body areas can make or break you in many areas of your life. You may not choose to observe these parts of you, but others are, and there is a part of you that is completely aware of this. This is why you are very good at hiding your hands, as well as choosing the best time to bite and pick. I want you to start paying attention to these facets. You are going to become a detective and as you get better at his, you will get to know your problem in many new ways. This is the beginning of stopping.
Meet Linda: Whenever I think about stopping my habit, I become very frightened, almost to the point of panic. Why is this and what can I do to move past this roadblock?
Linda has made an excellent observation and one that will benefit from journaling with her subconscious mind. Feeling overwhelmed is a common fear that appears in the moment of awakening. It's rather like a big plate of pasta with all the strands tangled around each other. When life is seen or perceived like this, it's common to freeze in fear, and then to stay locked up in another kind of fear known as procrastination. It's good to know that it is possible to break free of this paralyzing fear-state. Here in this book you will learn to do just that and more. I'd like you to keep in mind that you are the writer, director and producer of your life, and it is definitely time to re-write and produce some new ways to do things.
You already know that we have a tendency to live in automatic pilot programs. Take your nail biting and picking habit for example. On most occasions you may not even recognize that you are doint it. This is automatic pilot. Many of our mind programs, automatic or even chosen, do not reflect what we truly want, but yet most of us keep doing the same things over and over. This is about to change.
This book is about brfeaking out of automatic pilot programs that trigger nail biting and picking. It's about waking up, stopping to assess and then choosing to change what calls to be changed. It's about enhancing what works and bringing more of these high-end working programs to the fore where they will support your self-discipline to choose to stop nail biting and picking behaviors.
Besides nail biting and picking, there is another habit to contend with and that is the habit of compulsion. Let's go ahead and work with this a bit. If you are a nail biter or skin picker, I'm sure you have ongoing dreams about stopping, for it's rare to meet someone wanting to keep an undesirable habit. For some reason, just the idea of stopping is frightening. This idea then becomes it's own phobia or fear-based thought program, adding to the difficulty of stopping the habit. It's important for you to see or know these as separate, because they do need to be managed separately as well. You will learn more about how to do this as we climb the solutions steps together. For right now, it's enough to know or acknowledge this.
Throughout this book I'll be sharing quite a bit of information that you need to know. Please don't feel overwhelmed by this amount of detail. You don't need to keep it in your consciousness. I'd like to suggest that you choose to relax deeply each time you pick up this book. Also, make certain you won't be interrupted for the amount of time you have decided to dedicate to taking care of yourself and managing your habit or habits.
Again, don't worry about remembering all of this information. If you like, highlight certain key phrases. That is fine. This book is written in self-hypnotic suggestion and so your own mind will absorb what is written here. You will actually find yourself changing, simply through reading. The book is accompanied by a self-hypnosis CD program that will reinforce this new knowledge with additional self-hypnotic suggestion. If you are reading this book to help your child, do know that the CD program can be utilized for your child as well, unless your child is very young. I do have programs available for younger children, and you can find out about thoese at the back of this book.
Throughout the book I'll be posting "knowledge hooks." These are signposts for the subconscious mind to wak up and pay special attention. Sometimes when we read, the mind goes off on a tangent, and so it is helpful to have these special hooks to bring us back to attention. Other signposts you will find include "self-work", as well as "mind-work" including self-hypnosis practice. Your own subconcious mind will begin to recognize these signposts and prepare you for relaxing to the correct level as these written suggestions are absorbed.
2006 Copyrighted. May not be copied or published in any form without written permission from the authors.
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