It's Time to Stop...Nail Biting

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Getting Ready to Begin...

Book Clips from It's Time to Stop Nail Biting...4 Steps to Success
An Innovative Program for Adults & Children
by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht & Joseph Bohorquez, M.D., Originators of Interactive Awareness & Interactive Self-Hypnosis

Deciding to stop biting your nails or picking your skin indicates a desire for self-rehabilitation. You may think that this is just about getting a habit under control, but you are about to dind out that it is much more than this, and being aware of this is good news. Over the years I've worked with hundreds of nail biters...including myself. Like other biters and pckers, I tried to stop thousands of times, or at least I thought I did.

I know what it feels like to be ashamed of my hands and I certainly know what it feels like not to be able to stop.

Thinking about stopping is not the same as developing and implementing a plant to do so. Thinking is simply the presence of thoughts, some invited to consciousness and others coming to play on automatic pilot. While we may entertain thousands of thoughts each day, only a small fraction of these become part of a purposeful goal pla, and even less result in specific actions. So, I guess I'll have to restate my calculations about how many times I actually planned, and then acted, in order to stop my nail biting and picking. It was once........and it was successful.

Each and every day I apply this plan to keep myself free of my old habit. It is now a full-fledged self-discipline program in it's own right, much of it now ingrained on auto-pilot. I have been sharing this discipline with my patients for many years, and now I'm happy to share it with you. The discipline has four parts or steps. We'll learn them in order and then they will order themselves into your own life:

* Step One - Daily Practical Applications
* Step Two - Nutritional Connection
* Step Three - Mind & Body Communications
* Step Four - Interactive Self-Hypnosis Applications

I know you want to stop biting your nails and picking your skin right now. Perhaps you are in a hurry to climb the steps, and I can certainly understand that desire. I'm sure you are sick and tired of your bothersome habits or problems, and you want to be free of them. Many habits or problems are heavy-hitters, interfering with life as a whole. Others prove to be an annoyance, perhaps a mystery at the same time. Nail biting and skin picking fall into this category. You may have wondered why you could be so successful in certain areas of your life, and yet be such a complete failure at things that appear so simple on the surface.

Let me help you out here. Have you ever considered that perhaps nail biting and skin picking are not as simple as they appear on the surface? Truthfully, these habits are quite complex, but it is in their complexity that the mystery of why you bie or pick will be uncoered, thereby helping you to stop forever.

There are many things to know about nail biting and skin picking in general. First, your undesirable habit will not be exactly the same as someone else's. While millions of people bite and pick, your very own habit is constructed differently from others. Keep in mind that all habits, like addictions or problems, are colored by personal experience. We also gain expertise at managing different aspects of them. Like me, you may be someone who has altered your biting or picking habits over the years, and so you are already familiar with this important aspect. Yes, there is much to learn and the better you dissect your habit, the more permanent your success will be. Se, let's begin the important background you will need before climbing those four steps.

October 2006 - All material is copyrighted and cannot be copied or reprinted without permission of the authors.


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